
'I think we'll see more of them': Tips and tricks for avoiding ticks this season across Ontario








发表于 2024-5-10 05:00:16|来自:加拿大 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Black-legged ticks have been found at numerous parks and trails across the province.By Public Health Ontario photo
With warmer weather arriving early across Ontario, health professionals are curious to see if the tick population also flourishes.

“I think we'll see more of them because of warmer weather,” MacKenzie Health emergency physician Dr. Ahmed Taher said. “If we expect warmer weather over a longer duration this year, we can expect to see increased exposure.”

“The short answer is yes,” University of Guelph assistant professor Andrew Young said when asked if ticks will be bad this year. “The incredibly mild winter didn't kill many off, and I saw one in March too. Scary stuff.”

What exactly are ticks?For those who aren't aware, ticks are tiny arthropods with eight legs that typically live in areas with tall grass, bushes and trees.

Ticks are bloodsucking creatures found throughout Canada. They are active in the spring through to the fall.

Common species include the black-legged tick, also known as the deer tick, the brown dog tick, the American dog tick and the Rocky Mountain wood tick.

It's the black-legged tick that causes concern for spreading Lyme disease. Since 2021, there have been almost 5,000 cases of Lyme disease reported in Ontario.

But not all black-legged ticks carry Lyme disease, Taher said.

“The most important thing is prevention,” Taher said.

How to stay protected against tick bitesWhile some people might be nervous about heading outdoors with the risk of ticks, Taher said taking precaution is important.

“I wouldn't stop your outdoor activities,” he said. “Know where to expect them, in grassy bushier areas. Know they exist and apply some insect repellent.”

Products recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency include formulas with DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus, para-menthane-diol, or 2-Undecanone. The agency includes a search tool to find an insect repellent that's right for your family's needs.

Try to cover up exposed skin, with long pants, socks and long-sleeved shirts, if possible, Taher said.

And after your outdoor activity, ensure you check to see if there are any ticks on you. Sometimes, they can hide out inside or behind the ears, in the hair, in skin folds, armpits or on the back.

How to remove ticksIf you find a tick on you after a walk outdoors, the key is to remove it early with some fine-tip tweezers, grabbing the tick as close to the skin as possible and pulling up gently, Taher said.

“If it breaks at the mouth parts — which sometimes happens — that can be left and the skin will heal.”

Once the tick has been removed, wash your skin with soap and water and disinfect using rubbing alcohol or an iodine swab.

Before disposing of the tick, contact your local public health unit for advice on how to identify it.

You can also send a photograph of the tick to etick.ca for identification.

If you are unable to remove the tick because it's in an awkward location, seek medical attention, Taher said.

Is medication available?If you are having symptoms such as the telltale bullseye rash, fever, headache, chills, muscle and joint pain, or fatigue, consult a health-care provider immediately, Taher said.

Sometimes, people can also receive preventive antibiotics, Taher said, but that's a conversation for a patient to have with a doctor.

And as of Jan. 1, 2023, pharmacists have also been able to prescribe medication to treat tick bites to prevent Lyme disease.

What about my pets?Ticks can also get onto your pet, so check their ears, noses and body for ticks when they come inside.

“If you can't get it off your dog, I'm sure your veterinarian can help. But it's important to get it off because it can transfer from your animal to yourself.”

For more information about ticks and the diseases they can carry, visit Ontario.ca/ticks.



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